Free webinar: Functional food from algae


Functional food from algae - barriers, needs and opportunities

This webinar will bring together food producers and algae producers to explore the potential of functional food from algae. We also discuss challenges when developing such dietary products and the needs to overcome them.




Monday, 14th October, 10:30 – 12:00 CET



About the webinar

Algae are attractive sources of a wide variety of health-beneficial molecules, such as vitamins, fatty acids, anti-oxidants and prebiotics. We can include these functions into our diet, when using dried algae or specific algal compounds as food ingredients.

Functional food from algae has the potential to reduce the risks of cardiovascular or inflammatory diseases and improve our gut microbiome. At the same time, algae production is getting cheaper, making algae products more affordable to a wider range of health-conscious consumers.

Despite the potential and more cost-effective production of algae, only a few food products contain algae or their compounds.

The webinar will explore the potential, barriers and needs when developing functional food from algae. What is the current state of algae production? How to cost-effectively produce algae-based food? What are the requirements for food stipulated by the European Food Safety Authority?

After insightful talks from experts in the field, a panel discussion will take place.

Who is this webinar for

This webinar is for food producers curious about the potential of algae and how to incorporate it into their products. The event addresses also algae producers who are growing algae for the application in food. Everyone interested in the topic is welcome as well.

Experts in this webinar
  • Dr. Benoit Quéguineur, Partnership Manager, Algaia
  • Dr. Maria Hayes, Senior Researcher, Teagasc
  • Dr Jean-Paul Cadoret, Chief Scientific Officer at Algama, Vice President of the European Biomass Association
  • Dr. Fabio Fanari, Junior Researcher, IRTA – Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology
  • Associate Professor Pernilla Sandvik, Department of food studies, nutrition and dietetics, Uppsala University
  • Dr. Clare O’Donovan, Manager, Public Health and Nutrition,

Registration for this event is closed.

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Functional food from algae – barriers, needs and opportunities

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